I JUST got my Silhouette machine so I don't have very many choices for vinyl.
I don't have ANY iron on vinyl, just adhesive.
So when I needed to make some burp rags for Bebe I had to improvise.
The "Bebe's Baby" burp rag (on the right) was my first print and cut project. It was SO easy. (If I hadn't printed on light colored transfer paper first it would have been even easier. I did print on the dark colored transfer before I ironed on the first try).
The "bebe's Emma" burp rag was just cut on the dark colored transfer paper but was a PAIN to get straight and iron on the rag. I won't be doing that again any time soon. It is cute though! :)
Let me say my good friend, Kay, MADE the rags. I just added the "bebe" stuff!